Hey there, I´m Elsi Nora, a Soulful Sales Expert

After investing all of my savings into a coaching program in 2019, I quit my job immediately and launched my first coaching business…

Little did I know, it was not that simple. The strategies I was taught were cold and copy-pasted, inauthentic, making me feel sleazy and misaligned.

I was about to give up when I discovered attraction marketing & soulful sales, which helped me take my business from struggling to multiple six figures in just a few months.

Since then, I’ve dedicated my professional career to helping businesses discover joy in social media and attract dream clients. While I helped close to 300 entrepreneurs throughout the years, I almost collapsed under the pressure of solo entrepreneurship at the beginning of 2023.

While I knew I wanted more out of life, I also knew I wasn’t able to handle bigger projects on my own.

It was after a huge burnout that I opened up to Nina, and she came up with the idea of collaboration, which opened the door to Blissify Media being born

Today, we work with soulful entrepreneurs who are ready to take back their time and take their brand and business to the next level by claiming back their time.

Our Story


2019: Quit My Job

Having invested all of my savings into a coaching program in 2019 I felt it was time for me to quit my job and start my own coaching business.

2020: Discovered Attraction Marketing & Soulful Sales

My journey to success started when I discovered attraction marketing & soulful sales, and I took my business from struggling to six figures in a matter of months.

2022: Celebrated 300 clients to Date

In the years since I have dedicated my professional career to helping businesses discover the joy of social media and attract dream clients. After helping close to 300 entrepreneurs over the years, I almost collapsed under the pressure of solo entrepreneurship in 2023.

2023: Burnout Led to Blissify Media

After a huge burnout, I opened up to Nina about my struggles, and she came up with the idea of collaborating, and through that, Blissify Media was born as a result of that.

2024 and BEYOND

A few of my favs…

Can't Live Without

My doggo

Favourite Show

Good Girls

Dream Trip

Anywhere with a good company

Passionate About

Books & Rose Wine

Guilty Pleasure


Favourite Music Band


Beach Vs Mountains

Beach always!

I Love

Analyzing anything and everything

Love Notes

“If you’re afraid to sell your stuff...I am afraid of buying it.